The Art of Human-BEing

A blog

Kiyomi Griess, MEd Kiyomi Griess, MEd

The World Craves Your Presence Not Your Perfection

How would you prefer to show up for those in your life who come to you? As present or as perfect? At Shoshin360, we believe that this is the difference between human-BEing and human-Doing. If we can “BE” with a person, then we are present. When we “DO” with a person, we are either performing or trying to show our perfect self.

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Kiyomi Griess, MEd Kiyomi Griess, MEd

Practical Tips for Learning How to Make an Aligned Choice

Have you ever found yourself wavering back and forth between two choices – sometimes taking days, even months to make a choice?

Conventional wisdom tells us to sit down and make a list of pros and cons for each choice and it’s assumed that through this rational and supposedly objective exercise, we should see a clear and easy decision – but that is rarely the case.

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Kiyomi Griess, MEd Kiyomi Griess, MEd

Don’t Use Self-Care as an Escape

Self-care will be our theme for 2022 and if you truly want to care for yourself, read this to learn more about eliminating negative self-talk, keeping promises, setting goals, evaluating limiting beliefs, uncovering triggers, creating a healthy lifestyle, identifying perfectionism tendencies, creating healthy boundaries, etc. to live life as your favorite version of yourself.

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